Friday, September 24, 2010

Lima & Arequipa

Arriving in Lima

After 15 hours of flying we finally arrived in Lima at 10pm local time last Sunday night. Our hostel pickup was waiting for us at the airport, it always makes you feel important to see someone holding a sign with your name on it when you come out the arrivals gate, even if this guy looked pretty scruffy and his car was battered Corolla from the early 80´s with no seatbelts or a speedometer. The horn did work though, he barely stopped using it for the whole 30min trip.

We caught up with Kieran, Ciaran and Antonio in the hostel and headed out for a few beers. We were staying in Miraflores which is the nicest part of Lima. When we took a trip around Lima the following day, I realised why people have said there´s nothing much going on there. It´s just a bussling city overlooked by shantytowns (see them in the background below)

While the walk around was enjoyable, we were glad to catch a flight south to Arequipa that night.

Arequipa at Night
This old Spanish colonial city is far more pleasing on the eye. The entrance is very dramatic, the whole city is 2600meters above sea level and the airport is at the highest part. Getting a taxi into the centre was all downhill and gave a fantastic view over the city. Our hostel was right in the centre, just a few blocks up from the main plaza. Peruvian cities all seem to have fantastic plazas and are well looked after.All the stone walls are made from white stone unique to the area and it looks fantastic at night .


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